How to Download your Credit Report from Experian


Here is how to download your Experian credit report as a PDF file:

We are often asked how you can print and save your Experian credit report as a document. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to download your Experian credit report from the CreditExpert website.

1. Log into your Experian account or sign up at

2. Click the menu option that says ‘Credit Score & report’ and then click ‘Experian Credit Score & Report’.

Experian Menu

3. Once signed-in, in the top right just under the ‘Alerts’ icon, there is an icon that says ‘Print or Save’. Click this.

That’s it! Your credit report will open in a new browser window. You can then download or print your Experian credit report in full.

Important: In order to see the ‘Print or Save’ icon you will need to access the Experian website on a desktop computer or desktop browser.


⚠️ Do we recommend them? They are not our first choice credit reporting agency.

Lenders no longer rely on one credit reporting agency anymore. They now check your report with multiple credit agencies.

We recommend Check My File as they are the only company who currently provide your credit report from the three top agencies (Experian, Equifax and Call Credit) all-in-one.

Read our review of CheckMyFile to see why we have been using them for 7 years.

Get an all-in-one credit report from Check My File.

If you prefer to use an alternative, you can stay with Experian or try Equifax, but they will charge for a single credit report when you could pay to have 3 reports in one.

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